Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lovin' Gulf Breeze

Something Spiritual: This week has been FULL of spiritual things, which I am so thankful for. And this sign, which you would only see in the South, sums up how I feel = Welcomed and Happy in the Mission Field!
On Tuesday we had Zone Training, I used to get so scared when we would have them, honestly don't know why, but now I LOVE THEM. We learned so many things about planning, and why we are all on missions and how to teach and love. Something one of the Zone Leaders, Elder Otu said as he was talking about our life...he had a string across the room on the ceiling and he got a ladder and stuck a little tab in the middle and that represented our looked SO small compared to the whole line of string...and he told us that a mission, 18 or 24 months, is so little to give to the Lord, so we need to give it our ALL. Wow. Boom! It just hit home to me. Time is short, even earth life is short in the long run. The Spirit really taught me that I, Sister Nielson, need to give it my ALL to the Lord, not just 99%, but 100% and more. I can do it and I will. So thankful for inspired leaders to teach and guide us. We have had some amazing lessons with our investigators this week, Paul and Paula are doing awesome! Every time we teach them, they just get it. I love it. It has been SO cool to see this family change together. Seven months ago when I first met them I would NOT ever have thought that they would be where they are now. God is really working with and helping them. We have gotten them to pray and now read the Book of Mormon. They have committed to come to church which is great! :) I am just SO thankful for the Gospel. Oh it is amazing. The Savior has really taught me to love it more and more. I am so thankful for spiritual times. :)
Here I am with my bestie from the MTC, Sister Stradinger at Zone Training. She is really awesome. Something Funny: Always something funny to we go over to a member's house, Brother Dolson's every week, and he has been sick and in the hospital and all, but now he is home and doing better. Well a few days ago we go over there and have a lesson, share him a quote about gratitude, lesson went awesome! Well, we ask him to say the he is praying..and honestly his prayer was just All over the place, I was trying so hard not to laugh, but I was chuckling a little..anyways...then he just stops in the middle of his Sister Kinghorn and I look up at each other and start just laughing so hard because he had fallen asleep while he was praying! Hahaha! Well he wakes up and starts laughing too, because he knew he had fallen asleep...haha well he asked one of us to pray...haha good times! Another funny moment was also the same day at Brother Dolson's house...back up, last week we did service and raked some leaves and all. Well the ELDERS put all the leaves in bags..but kept them in his yard!?! Don't know what they were thinking...ha. So we were picking up the bags...and they are super trying to pick up heavy bags!? Haha. No. Well we have one bag left...and it is the HEAVIEST one, so both of us are trying to pick it up together...but we just cannot! We are laughing so hard that we bonk heads and just can't do it. Hahah, let's just say that bag is waiting for the ELDERS to come get it. Hahah. Missions are fun. Sometimes all we do is just laugh, even on bad days, because we find something to laugh about. Haha. Love it.
Something Fun:We went to Navarre Park for a bit and it was raining a little - but it felt so good!!! And Sister Kinghorn and I decided to show "companion unity" on the swings - how great are these Florida swings! The coldest it has been has been 60, and actually it is really cold..might sound silly but I forgot what cold feels like (I heard it is getting cold in Utah?...) But here, 60 degrees, plus the humidity, that cold sinks into your skin and it makes you even colder. Brrrr. I think I need some boots. Something Good: Sunday was a GOOD day!! We had 3 investigators come to church and guess who else came to church.....!!! The Cooper's!!! YES!!! Ah it was just WONDERFUL! They came as a family and I was just SOOOO happy and so thankful. Something good!? Yes. Also! Joyce came to church for the first time!!! YES!!! Another good thing!? :) Yes!! She very much enjoyed it and would want to come back...if we pick her up :) Super thankful she came! :)
Also!! Our other 3rd is leaving this week...we had a good last few days with Sister Vanessa!! (Yes we are wearing the same skirt - it was only $4.00 so it was a must!) She did such an amazing job with her farewell talk, so thankful I have gotten to know Vanessa! California will love her. <3 Sometimes after crazy trials, Heavenly Father will give us a few good days and He has given us some of those this week...I am so amazed. Sometimes weeks go by so fast, and others go by so slow, but I love it all. I love missionary work. My heart just loves it. I love all these people here. I feel like my time is coming for new adventures, but it will be okay, because I know that I have done my best, and that all the people I have come to know will be okay. :)
Something Learned: I like to think about the things I have learned so far...well something funny I have learned!? Recently I have learned what "Domestic" means..and what a "Domestic Wife" means too...haha so yes! Sister Kinghorn and I together are learning how to be Domestic future Wives - thanks to Sister Angie Taylor! Well this week, I learned how to sew a little, and cook a little, and clean a little more...yes cooking!!! Who knew. Ha! We got the chance to make dinner for the Lee family...yep! 10 points for me! Haha. Anyways...thought y'all should know...Sister Nielson is learning how to COOK! Shocked!? Me too. Thanks, Sister Taylor!
And speaking of the Taylor family - who I LOVE!! Here are the Sister Missionaries with the Second Counselor in the Stake Presidency, President Taylor, with a spiffy new haircut (I was privileged to give him a trim!) They have been so good to us. I am thankful for the Taylor family! Something Spiritual Learned: I was reading a quote and this is what it said..."The very moment you begin to see your Heavenly Father, in that moment, the hope, or his light will begin to awaken, enlarge, enlighten, and enable your soul." - Pres Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Well I was pondering about this...and really wanting to know how I could use this quote in missionary life...well the Spirit works! I realized that missionary work, all it is, is showing, and inviting others to feel of Christ like love and light. I want to be able to help others feel what this quote has helped me feel. So thankful for everything I am learning each day. So thankful for a Savior who is patient with love and understanding. Overall this week has been one to remember and one for the books. I love this work. My testimony is simple. God is good. He loves everyone. I know this Gospel is true. I love it and I know it is so true, I have come to know it is real truth. So happy to be serving the people in FL....well more like LA...(Lower Alabama) Haha. Thank you to everyone for all the love and support! I love y'all! <3 Sister Nielson

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